Product Series AQE-I is an advanced product line designed to be a very effective water revitalization unit especially in food industry, agriculture (BIO producers of crop and livestock, for plants cultivation,...) and in many other areas where a higher quality of water is needed. High quality of water then positively affects also the quality of the final products or brings energy and material savings.
AQE-I high quality models could be installed (actually these units
already are so) in the private sector also. It has valuable effect to
high water revitalization particularly from private wells, quality of
drinking water used in homes, offices and also in commercial entities.
In case of revitalization of drinking water - units AQE - I Series are usually installed in the filter system ( the assembly of mechanical and carbon filtration) and also after UV lamp (if UV lamp is needed).
In case of water revitalization in a food industry installation is designed individually according to the specific situation and your needs.
For more detailed information or specialized consultation it is highly recommended to contact our specialists or our professional counselor.
Example of installation: