Use of revitalized water is very natural in agriculture, mainly for growing vegetables.
Treated water has better hydration capabilities. Thanks to this ability, nutrients are dissolved in the water more efficiently.
Revitalized water brings many benefits and value and it is very beneficial for BIO/ECO farms, permaculture, etc.
The benefits of AQUA SANATURA technology:
- better fruit and vegetable taste (thanks to qualitatively higher level of photosynthesis)
- fruits is very juicy (due to higher hydration effect), it is fresh for a longer time and therefore it increase vitality
- easier trace elements and minerals distribution that are already contained in water. Thanks to water revitalization you can fertilize in small amount.
- vivid flowers colors
- igher yield
- ealthier plants resistant to disease

During long-term use of revitalized water for your cattle you can expect:
- health improvement (lower mortality) of animals
- extended milk production of cows
- improved milk quality
- etter quality of meat